Tuesday 14/01/25 06:03:13
Random Weekly BY TYTE

> https://nightfallen.com/random_weekly/ <

WEEK 1 • vetted by ShiroRafaRonald_D_DCatz




Added a hint on a level 5 with upload button.
Added a hint on a level 5 with gibberish
Added a hint on a level 5 with lights.
Added a hint on a level 6 with a handheld.
Changed the hint on a level 7 that has a grid.

umsyt 22/6/24 19:38 e (the final path i used) ~~time to 100%~~
Ronald_D_D 23/6/24 1:25 I used 1.
Shiro 23/6/24 12:44 LET'S GO GAMBLING!
outsnowflake 23/6/24 13:14 best wekl x3 i love
myyyyndrrrrr 23/6/24 14:09 very nice weekly
qwerg 23/6/24 14:16 awesomest. a weekly that random, impressive. Chickens are common and widespread domestic animals, with a total population of 23.7 billion as of 2018, and an annual production of more than 50 billion birds. Can we get more weeklies like this one?
1st 23/6/24 15:05 LET'S GO GAMBLING!!!
Grief 23/6/24 15:22 my god
kad 23/6/24 15:42 every copy of TYTE WEEKLY is personalized
molliinthe80s 23/6/24 16:49 way to start the season...
Kal 23/6/24 18:11 i totally was not more confused on the randomness than most puzzles
infiniteXforever 24/6/24 23:49 So epic php trick :)
Zephran 25/6/24 18:57 2:33am on a balcony (nobody) stood on (3,6) talking about we will be (split) through everything (8) and how you will (never) be by my side (7) (st//aa) its amazing how i know you so well
Dannythecat 26/6/24 11:29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPFiKEm-oNI
timothydoesstuff 26/6/24 11:31 and i spent so many time bruteforcing different weekly names… and bruteforcing… and bruteforcing… and bruteforcing… and bruteforcing… so much hours of bruteforcing, was it worth it? NO.
Picklemaniac 29/6/24 19:12 Really cool concept and execution. Not too difficult, not too easy. Great start to the new season!
umsyt 29/6/24 17:06 🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️🏳️‍⚧️
Grief 29/6/24 18:08 not really
Kal 29/6/24 18:10 fun
qwerg 29/6/24 18:13 why yes, flags are awesome
Dannythecat 29/6/24 18:17 fun, me like wekly, me think weekly really cool
1st 29/6/24 18:42 I have no words, only flags.
myyyyndrrrrr 29/6/24 18:44 nice weekly
Drifter1240 29/6/24 19:31 mishu the goat
LollipopWut 29/6/24 19:37 fun times
+rnightshroud 29/6/24 20:54 That was fun :eyes:
Ronald_D_D 30/6/24 5:06 Your puzzle has been flagged for being a flag puzzle.
Zephran 30/6/24 13:23 I - Imaj7 - IVmaj7 - II7
alsb 1/7/24 11:37 why did this come out after pride month i cant show my flags anymore :wilted_rose:
timothydoesstuff 2/7/24 11:04 i get so hyper whenever i see flags, especially country ones 😋
Tv_smasher 4/7/24 16:41 J
doyachili 4/7/24 22:01 https://tenor.com/view/tidal-wave-geometry-dash-extreme-gif-13003765587223276271
Picklemaniac 5/7/24 11:54 Mishu GOAT. I am eagerly awaiting the next game of _ entry
rolling_office_chair 5/7/24 14:28 first weekly ever lesgooooooo
DiasFer 5/7/24 20:04 that was fun
Shiro 6/7/24 0:44 catz forced me to comment this
mea culpa BY UMSYT
infiniteXforever 7/7/24 4:37 Finally a "not insanely hard" umsyt weekly lol, but it's very fun and I love all the puzzle styles :)
Ronald_D_D 7/7/24 10:24 Cooking recipes on websites be like:
Xtrimi 7/7/24 16:51 my coding skills finally didnt go to waste 😎 part 5 was fun
outsnowflake 7/7/24 23:49 cool stuff
Grief 8/7/24 1:37 wtf
1st 8/7/24 1:54 Loving these short and easy weeklies!
Kal 8/7/24 3:29 i did some logic puzzles anddddd thats it
myyyyndrrrrr 8/7/24 8:23 what was umsyt cooking
Zephran 8/7/24 10:03 sleeping in spokane,,,we'll go down the I-90 to meet your (and my) other half lots of fun
molliinthe80s 8/7/24 10:28 Cheddar Cheese BRBRBRBRBRBRBBRBRBRBR
qwerg 10/7/24 17:39 sorry i forgot to comment my bad, anwyays WELEKLY AWESOME ! tgdhghj
LollipopWut 10/7/24 19:10 who let her in the kitchen (good weekly but my GOD why is every puzzle you make so hard ;-;)
DutchDad 13/7/24 8:21 Charming weekly. I liked how some of the puzzles required insight.
timothydoesstuff 13/7/24 10:49 “if i had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense” - lewis carroll
Picklemaniac 27/7/24 18:46 Your puzzle skills terrify me. And I am sure this puzzle, which was nigh-incomprehensible for me, was close to the simplest you could make without feeling like you'd just be spelling out the answer on each level. Meta puzzles need to become illegal, tho.
Dannythecat 18/8/24 3:25 fun
The Drawing Board BY CHBLD
umsyt 13/7/24 16:26 adrenaline
Dannythecat 13/7/24 18:44 i have complex feelings about 1
1st 13/7/24 18:53 > "The Drawing Board" > Look inside > No drawing > Not even a board
Grief 13/7/24 21:23 ???
myyyyndrrrrr 13/7/24 22:11 what za hell
Kal 14/7/24 1:55 insert creative comment here
Drifter1240 14/7/24 2:18 'the drawing board' couldn't draw anything, 0/10 (jk it's a 9/10)
Ronald_D_D 14/7/24 5:08 No eggs, no comments, no metadata, no image editing. Really threw me off on level 1 and the fake level 2. Lol.
Zephran 14/7/24 9:16 bash your head+_+_+OR LIKE.. THE RUSH OF BLOOD IN YOUR VEINS arent we all just stupid scary skeletons capable of destroying the only place we call home kowalski, analysis did i get that right? ah, scatter bomb. two gurls in the wds f scdes THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! VERY! MUCH! <3<3<3<3
molliinthe80s 14/7/24 17:05 ¯\_(:/)_/¯
Picklemaniac 14/7/24 19:28 Actually really good. Level one was a bit underhinted, and the link with Monopoly on level 8 was a stretch. But overall I liked it a lot. I think my favorite level / idea was the invalid CSS selector binary thing.
doyachili 17/7/24 0:58 the golden
timothydoesstuff 20/7/24 13:24 and i draw a little line on the drawing board
qwerg 27/7/24 17:41 impressive


WEEK 5 • vetted by ShiroRafa




If you think you encounter a bug somewhere on one of the 4 puzzles, please try using Chrome... PM the creator on discord if the problem persist.

Shiro 21/7/24 14:28 So beautiful! But also so long 😵
kad 21/7/24 17:14 i didnt stop grinding.................. peak kobe weekly
umsyt 21/7/24 17:38 !!!hfh hr GFT vsg mvsd
Catz 21/7/24 22:17 certified uwu moment
zitman 22/7/24 2:37 The F10 disguised in weekly :) I could finally have a good sleep.
Grief 22/7/24 22:07 pm 6:06 is over party
Zephran 23/7/24 6:14 my life is YOUR polyrhythm to YOUR polymeter! a nmber station that counts everything, watch: 1,4,3,6,3,7 YOuer? gonna take downb MY nostalgia? bittersweet distractor! get 'em!!!!!! i-need-one-final-day-with-u-or-without-u<3 find me@da sity of lights :)))))))
Ronald_D_D 23/7/24 18:57 I did not enjoy the grids and repetition of methods, those were a chore to do on this weekly. One small typo somewhere and you have to start over. The length surprised me. It's like doing an exam that has "only 4 questions". However I did like the finale trick you did with img1 and img2. By quickly switching between those two images you're able to see the decoded image as an illusion. You might have been inspired by this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Myeatl2Q3wM
1st 23/7/24 19:49 She super of my symmetry till i... uhm... uhhhh...
Dannythecat 23/7/24 20:14 i have personal beef with sf4
Kal 23/7/24 21:13 i did nothing
timothydoesstuff 26/7/24 15:01 the standard model
molliinthe80s 26/7/24 20:20 HYDROGEN BOMB VS. COUGHING BABY
Loz 26/7/24 20:22 Team did most of the work on this, while I stared at things going "WTF"
Picklemaniac 27/7/24 15:56 I really like the idea of the same URL holding different puzzles that connect each other. I also liked most methods, but I do think some puzzles were pretty severely underhinted and would have been better with some extra context. Especially parts like the "methods.png" image that contained the 3 QR codes or the "meta puzzle" part where you have to apply all the previous methods. My favorite level was the one with the tetrominoes. It took a while to figure out, but putting the entire solution together was pretty fun. Overall very cool weekly :)
NyanKenny 27/7/24 16:13 this weekly f11 bro
myyyyndrrrrr 27/7/24 16:48 HELL
qwerg 6/8/24 12:02 physics if it was awesome
umsyt 27/7/24 16:20 I mean thanks now i can do panda but like wtf was level 2 about what the hell?
kad 27/7/24 16:50 LMAOOOOOOOO
Grief 27/7/24 17:33 LOL
qwerg 27/7/24 17:33 i got no words
myyyyndrrrrr 27/7/24 17:39 nice one
Ronald_D_D 27/7/24 17:58 This was a great potential contender for a weekly to be solved in less than 5 minutes but I think people weren't expecting a modern weekly to be that short haha.
1st 27/7/24 18:25 Name doesn't lie.
Picklemaniac 27/7/24 18:47 Classic remote viewing level. Welcome back, DavidM
Dannythecat 28/7/24 5:57 well, i mean, i don't have to worry about the weekly for the whole week anymore
Loz 28/7/24 6:40 Bible red herrings
molliinthe80s 28/7/24 6:40 Don't you believe it...! https://tenor.com/view/bubsy-meme-explosion-3d-gif-15828100
Bennnyau 28/7/24 7:27 true weakly...
Kal 28/7/24 18:16 why
timothydoesstuff 3/8/24 13:31 this weekly was weak… too weak…
Room 237 BY LENZ

> room237.html <

WEEK 7 • vetted by ShiroRafaCatz




Linux & MacOS users will require a virtual machine to run Windows. Alternatively, use wine, however it is not guaranteed to run bug-free.
Those concerned for security reasons can feel free to message @c.a.t.z or @lenzzzz on Discord

Ronald_D_D 4/8/24 3:03 I CTF challenged the weekly and won!
umsyt 5/8/24 21:44 I've been trapped in the hotel room for 10 years solving room 237
Marco 6/8/24 0:36 just smash the fucking box open
kad 6/8/24 7:17 lenz on crack
qwerg 6/8/24 12:01 i wish alchemy was real
Kal 6/8/24 14:18 why cant i just open the box with this super cool force called gravity
+rnightshroud 6/8/24 15:32 Wonderful.
Dannythecat 6/8/24 17:23 i will throw that box off the fucking window and commit some Fahrenheit 451 on those god damn books i am so sorry words can't do justice how much pain this has caused me to go through also fsh
molliinthe80s 6/8/24 23:48 You know what that means. FISH!
infiniteXforever 6/8/24 23:50 I finally need not worry about my laptop being fried
1st 7/8/24 3:11 I spent 3 days trying to open this stupid little box and all I got were all these FISH!
Zephran 10/8/24 3:21 IM SH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&&&&&7 OUTTTALOVE :::::::::: OF COUTSRENIM NOTHING BUT A PLUTO TO EVERYTHIG N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^:::::; MYmagicisEVERYTHING AGIANTS MY WILL[]]]]]]]]]]JUSTBECAUS EI LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<<<<<<<<######## """"THIS IS HO WOYIU CAN TELL IF FVCKING LOV3E YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!U"'"""""""""""""""""GOOOBAI.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grief 11/8/24 2:50 we did something horrid by opening that box
myyyyndrrrrr 11/8/24 20:35 logic gate
Picklemaniac 17/8/24 21:36 10/10 puzzle. I enjoyed every level and every detail. https://imgur.com/a/XVV1x2C
Unlocking Weekly BY .AZN
umsyt 10/8/24 16:40 i locked in please never make me decode morse by ear again
Ronald_D_D 10/8/24 17:02 🔓
1st 10/8/24 17:59 see it's easy if you don't do the hard stuff
myyyyndrrrrr 10/8/24 18:40 azen tried to cook
Drifter1240 10/8/24 18:41 what the fuck was 1-2 overall not bad
Kal 10/8/24 18:42 you can open this lock, by hitting it with another lock
Grief 10/8/24 18:44 https://youtube.com/watch?v=FSUhZc7sqxI
qwerg 10/8/24 18:47 Drifter1240 told me "no"
Zephran 10/8/24 18:50 to set the record straight: azen ################################################################################################################################################################################################HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK YOU FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT [THE_OTHER_CHANCE}FOR A BOMB+V-THELUV!THA TYOU GIVE {HIM?HER?THEY????} 1/2ofyou is CLOCKED OTU 1n!@AN(.((F=Mω^@r}}###IS TRAPPED AND (YOU LOVE 'EM!)or ya hate em, we dont gaf [a rhombus would take you and drive both of you into each other.] [my rhombus MISSED!}
molliinthe80s 10/8/24 18:56 I said my car key
floor_ 10/8/24 19:48 i use arch linux btw
doyachili 13/8/24 16:50 fuck the last level tbh
Picklemaniac 17/8/24 21:32 Really enjoyed it. Some of the source code hints could have used a little more indication I think and the final level was a bit of a pain to do. But all levels were good. My favorite ended up being the phonetic "key" one.
Dannythecat 18/8/24 3:25 beep beep i'm a sheep
week 9 BY WEAVER
umsyt 17/8/24 16:29 i'm not julia.... oh oh...
Grief 17/8/24 16:31 free
1st 17/8/24 16:31 cute
Kal 17/8/24 16:31 brat
LollipopWut 17/8/24 16:32 brat
molliinthe80s 17/8/24 16:45 this is a certified brat moment
.azn 17/8/24 17:12 brat
Shiro 17/8/24 17:27 I know I'm your favorite brat weavy you don't have to tell me :3
+rnightshroud 17/8/24 17:57 I love it. :D
Ronald_D_D 17/8/24 18:18 I thought this weekly was a joke weekly. Well played.
RenDraG 17/8/24 20:34 brat no.1
Picklemaniac 17/8/24 21:28 ??? Where the FUCK is the vigenere a1z26 keyboard cipher monosub railfence b64 polybius dcode cipher identifier riddle??
doyachili 17/8/24 22:16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNRG3Y5riqc
Dannythecat 18/8/24 3:23 this is peak weekly
Zephran 18/8/24 6:25 sex
myyyyndrrrrr 18/8/24 10:10 waow
lolllfinallyhaha 18/8/24 13:50 OMG THIS WEEKLY IS SO BRATTTTT
Loz 18/8/24 18:00 I still don't know how to find "brat"
YellowWatermelon 20/8/24 3:27 bumpin' that
NwithAhook 23/8/24 22:15 i tried and failed every single weekly since my last solve holy fuck we so back
chefgeoff 24/8/24 5:16 [Verse] It's okay to just admit that you're jealous of me Yeah, I heard you talk about me, that's the word on the street You're obsessing, just confess it, put your hands up It's obvious I'm your number one [Pre-Chorus] It's alright to just admit that I'm the fantasy You're obsessing, just confess it 'cause it's obvious I'm your number one, I'm your number one I'm your number one, yeah [Chorus] I'm just living that life Von Dutch, cult classic, but I still pop I get money, you get mad because the bank's shut Yeah, I know your little secret, put your hands up It's so obvious I'm your number one, life Von Dutch, cult classic in your eardrums Why you lying? You won't f*ck unless he famous Do that littlе dance, without it, you'd be namelеss It's so obvious I'm your number one [Post-Chorus] I'm your number one, I'm your number one I'm your number one, yeah, it's so obvious I'm your number one, I'm your number one I'm your number one, yeah, it's so obvious FUN WEEKLY!! GREAT JOB
timothydoesstuff 24/8/24 12:15 centered, sorta blurry, and stretched out arial font-face text saying “brat” on a light green background (particularly #8ACE00)
Per Aspera BY KRIZIS
A4 27/8/24 11:04 Only a simple memory will remain
molliinthe80s 27/8/24 11:08 189 18 1679 14789 178 1789 178 147 1678 1478 189 16 17 178 178 14 178 149
umsyt 27/8/24 12:18 no
Ronald_D_D 27/8/24 13:53 What a way to end the season. Really good quality in terms of visuals but there were so many finicky tasks. At least there were little to no typos!
Kukkelis 27/8/24 18:32 Mario was here
myyyyndrrrrr 27/8/24 19:10 HAAAAAAAAAAA
floor_ 27/8/24 19:11 i hate you krizis
Kal 27/8/24 19:12 i got zodiac killed by this weekly
Grief 27/8/24 19:13 Daddy? Huh? Food's here Kept buyin' and see who gets it Come eat Alaina, I'm so tired Just come eat Alaina, I'll be there in a minute, I promise Stop But wake up Shut the door Somebody save me Me from myself I've spent so long livin' in hell Another pill as I start to spiral Message to my daughters I don't even deserve the father title Hailie, I'm so sorry I know I wasn't there for your first guitar recital Didn't walk you down the aisle Missed the birth of your first child Your first podcast, lookin' down, sweetie I'm so proud of how you turned out Sorry that I chose drugs and put 'em above you Sorry that I didn't love you enough to Give 'em up, how the fuck do I not love you more than a pill? Lookin' up to the ceilin' from this floor wonder will Somebody save me Me from myself I've spent so long livin' in hell They say my lifestyle is bad for my health It's the only thing that seems to help Alaina, sorry that you had to hear me fall in the bathroom Sorry that I missed your
Picklemaniac 29/8/24 14:47 Very good final weekly puzzle. The visuals were the best part about it, but as Ronald said, there were a lot of finicky methods. And in my opinion, some steps were rather underhinted. My favorite level was 5; my least favorite was 6. Hope to see more puzzles by you in the future :)
1st 30/8/24 21:58 I stay winning
lobster_roll25 30/8/24 22:54 so easy lobster roll my beloved
Dannythecat 31/8/24 11:07 i am actually gonna cry
Zephran 31/8/24 14:54 lets hope for another day amor vincit omnia! <3